Whitecap Stand Up Paddleboard: Starboard Cruiser

Starboard Whopper  

12’6” x 30” Starboard Cruiser~~~~~~~~~ Click to Download Starboards 2011 Catalog
Dimensions: Length: 381 cm, Width: 76.2 cm, Tail Width: 40.4 cm, Volume: 206 L
Its exceptional glide comes from the length and proven rocker line. This smooth line and generous nose lift makes it a nice choice for down winders. The gliding length, rail shape and nose lift makes this the perfect board for catching your first waves and it will surprise you with its good carving ability. “The 12’6” Cruiser is a proven classic all rounder and the first board introduced by Starboard to the world of paddleboarding, first time lucky”. “Mono concave nose section with V running all along the back ¾ of the board”
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Whitecap Stand Up Paddleboard: Starboard Cruiser
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